Sunday, May 22, 2011

Session 2

Session 2

Much more comfortable game today.  When I got there, I got right into the second game that was full, but within 2 hands I was moved to the main table.  Playing 4-8 kill again.  I liked the composure of this table much better than in Session 1.  There was not really anyone tring to run over the table like the other night.  Most hands where not raised pre-flop, and the ones that where, I did not feel they where from players who where raising any two cards.  As the session continued several players busted out and new ones where brought in.  Near the end most where still pretty solid, with 2 players that I put on calling stations with any draw.  I got into some hands with them and my hand held up so was pretty satisfied. 

I still think I started out playing not so good.  I was making bad calls with bad draws and took me starting to bled chips before I reminded myself that I was not in a rush and to take my time and play smart.  Once I did this after about the first hour, I started playing much better and was retaining my chips more between nice pots.  One hand I think started out ok, but I think I ended it bad I wish I could have back.

I was in early second betting position with AQ off.  the person to my right called 8.  It was a kill pot so I pre-flopped raised to 16.  I think that was the right move, a real tight player may say no, but many people like to call 8 just becuase of the kill pot, but I only had one called plus the person to my right who called 8.  I was happy to get it down to three players.  The flop was not very exciting, I dont remember, a bit draw heavy something like 479, but I was hoping that the two callers to my raise where not playing weak cards.  First position checked, I bet 8 and they both called.  Dont remember really what the turn was another low card.  First position checked, and I bet 16.  I dont think that was a good bet, I was not in the best position, against 2 players on a draw heavy board, and all I had was ace high.  But I did get one to fold.  On the river the first position lead out and bet 16.  Here I figured I was beat, either hit a draw or had top pair or better on the flop and was slow playing me.  So lost a bit there, I think I could have played that A Q smarter.

I had two other real nice pots.  One was as I was getting my chips racked up to go.  I pre-flopped raised with JJ, got 4 callers and flopped a set.  first position bet, I raised and then it was down to 3 players.  The board had some draws, but the turn was bet and I just called and all three stayed.  Same on the river.  the inital better missed his draw, and not sure what the person after me had.  The other big pot I had was with a K J.  I called 4 to see the flop and hit the open ender with a Q and 10 on the board.  Dont quite remember how the betting went, but I check called one bet on the flop and turn, and then I hit the nuts on the river when a 9 came.  I lead out and bet 8, and then got raised, with one caller to the raise, so I re-raised to 24, and they both called.

In 100
out 390
time 3.75
BR 2670

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