Monday, June 20, 2011

Session 11

Session 11

Not too exciting, I posted a small win.  This was one of those nights where I won a lot of money right away in the first 30 minutes, and the sat there for the next 3 hours not hitting a hand or getting a bad beat.  It is frustrating to win alot right away and be tempted to leave, but then I feel like I am doing a hit and run, and want to keep playing so stay and lose alot of that back.  I lost with AA twice, once in a kill pot, to bleed down my chips, but a win is a win and I will take it.  Hopefully can have a better showing the next time to help make back from my bad last session.  Overall though I am happy with my play, hitting good hands for big pots right away, I quickly settled down and continued to play tight, unfortuately just got unlucky.

In 100
Out 150
Time 3.5 hrs
BR 3180


  1. Ok, good point. What is the proper thing to do when you do win early and don't want to be labeled as a hit and run player. Obviously you are there for the win and increase your bankroll. You are not there to just give your money away either. How do others feel about this subject. If you have a big bankroll that might be different but when you are starting out does it make a difference? What about getting up and leaving the table for awhile and then coming back? Obviously you came to play poker and ten minutes is not a long enough session. My minimum is an hour and if I still have the profit then I will leave.

  2. It is hard to say. Even if I am strictly there for the win, and say, like last night where I won about 160 in 30 minutes, one if I got up and left I would not be too satisfied becuase I like the game so much, and I know that would be preceived as a hit and run. I think most players assume or expect people to be there for sevearl hours. Getting up and leaving right after winning a bunch especially in such a short amout of time does not give the other players and opportunity to win any of their money back from you. But....ultimatly there is no obligation to stay and play any amount of time, or to stay for a period of time after you have won a big pot. The hard part is that players do not know what your bankroll is, or if you are trying to accomplish and specific goal, they will just see a person come, sit down ,win a few big pots right off, and then take the money and leave. If I have some time this week, I might try to do some online research to see what the cash game players constitute a hit and run. But in the end you have to be happy with your own game and accomplish your own goals. If it is an "etiquette issue" I think it is much less sever than say, slow rolling, acting out of turn in a big pot, discussing your hand during the hadn whether you are in or out of the pot, or bringing attention to what is on the board. That happened to me last night. I was drawing to the nut flush, in position and calling. i hit the flush on the river and it was bet into me and then I raised. The guy was thinking and said something like, you drawing to the flush. the lady next to me pointed at the board and said what do you think look at those diamonds. He still called, but that is a major etiquette breach. He called so I still made money, but he could have been thinking of re-raising me, if he had a set or straight or something, and did not notice the diamonds.
